Wednesday 2 January 2013

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Resolution.

it's the new year and we may all have our own "new year's resolutions" or you don't? As for me, i don't have any. I get to see the "new year" as just a continuation of our lives. People do celebrate it around the world for they see it as a new start or fresh beginning. Not that i don't see celebrating new year's eve like that, but i think we people should also consider that it's just another days to come. However, even it's just another day, or just another group of days that are coming, we shouldn't fail to think of the things that we have to change in order to become better. Everyday is a new day, a new chance to correct our lives. But new year's resolution is somehow a great idea to take note of what you want to change for the rest of the year. Would you agree if i say that more often, new year's resolution aren't that effective? or will surely be forgotten in the middle of the year or even days after new year's eve? If you do. Then why not try, reminding yourself everyday of the things that you think you should do and shouldn't do?

Didn't you notice that we tend to Reuse, Reduce or Recycle our new year's resolution? (it's okay if you don't and you have new sets of resolutions every year, im not against you.) We can always try to change somethings every year but some of them end up, on the list again the next year. In my case for example, i told myself that i should quit smoking. But smoking doesn't quit bugging me. haha! Then i'd find articles or campaigns like from telling what smoking could do to my body, but still, i don't quit. That kind of resolution will not be on my next year's list for i don't have a new year's resolution. And actually, this post can relate to my older post, which was about the things that you can consider that would help you have a better new year. One thing that i suggest that we should do is to actually put an action to our promises and resolutions. We can always use post it notes or a daily reminder on our phones to at least help call our attention to the things that we thought we should do. Or ask a friend to help you become aware and be reminded of it.

According to's top 10 strategies for making new year's resolution stick, #9 Strategy: get someone to hold your accountable. If you have someone to help track if you're really sticking and following your plan, it can be a great help. But just be sure that this person will not become the little devil that will whisper on either sides of your ears. Although trying to brain wash you might work, but that might be tricky. ;)

You know what, it doesn't matter whatever your resolutions are. What matters is YOU. How you would take necessary actions to do it, how you would manage and control yourself and how you would reward yourself in the end for sticking to that goal. We are the ones who can make or break our lives, just don't think too much about procrastinating even if you got a new whole year ahead. You will just find yourself hoping for the very next day to come if you will find yourself failing.

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