Thursday 27 December 2012

My lips are sealed.... NOT!

We should always be careful everyday of our lives. Im telling you guys, seriously. You may never know what's gonna happen to ya. One moment everything seems fine, the next, you may go home with an Angelina Jolie inspired lips. It may be a good thing for others to have a lip like hers, but what if the only side of your lips that is bulging is the right side? It looks funny and embarrassing right? Especially when you're the type who goes out everyday and i'm pretty sure you will have a hard time explaining to everyone who asks what happened.

Swollen lips maybe a cause of allergy or a trauma. In my case, I had my lip swollen because I got bumped into the back of the driver's seat during a collision. It sucks to look at and its irritably painful. I wont post a picture of my lips but its like

THIS.                                               compared to                                     THIS. 

oh c'mon! well actually, mine was more on the upper lip, right side. My mom's a nurse and I asked her the first aids for a lips that got bumped:

The pain of a swollen lips can be reduced by putting an ice pack on it. Get some ice cubes and wrap it on a clean cloth and simply damp it on your lips. Cold compress is what they usually call it. If you get beaten and your lips were injured, cold compress is the most basic first aid in curing it. Apply the cold compress for about ten minutes hourly. The cold compress helps reduce the heat in the injured area. It reduces the blood flow and helps in numbing the affected part so that the pain will lessen. Some people would suggest a hot compress. But oh no no! Not when the affected area is brand new. Cold compresses are best for recent injuries as a remedy while a hot compress is best if the injury is already old (a day or two perhaps) or the wound in the area has healed but there may be presence of blood clots. 

hot or cold? 

You can dab a clean cloth or a hot water (but make sure its not too hot that you will endure another kind of pain) and gently apply or dab it on the affected lip area. This is good when the injury is already on the process of recovery. Heat helps the blood to circulate so that your broken tissues will regenerate and will help in recovering faster. 

Although some causes of swollen lips like allergy perhaps may be treated by anti-allergy medicines. Ask for a proper medical advice especially when the problem causes are internal.

Avoid using cosmetics until your lips are fully healed. This may cause irritation when the wounds aren't visually open. Applying a lip balm can be a good idea but right after you make sure that there isn't any open wounds present anymore. This may help in bringing back the moisture of your lips. I use a lip balm which actually a good choice in regaining your lips' younger phase and natural moisture. It's the Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm.  

                                energizing orange                                                              
I use this one. It's best for lips that are dry for it can moisturize your lips up to 8 hours. It's called baby lips for it may visibly help your lips go back to its smooth and moisturized young phase. 

Then again, make sure that before applying any cosmetics or lip moisturizers, the injury or the wounded lip is already healed or the only left for a full recovery is the topmost layer of your lips's skin. 

It is said that the lips are the one of the most "sacred" part of a woman's body. For us girls, it is essential for us to take good care of our lips. Even for some boys too and most probably, for everybody. Who wants to be kissed with a swollen dry lips right? 

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