Friday 28 December 2012

from the old to the new: saving yourself before bedtime..err.. new year

The year's about to end and 2012 did a lot of odd an rude damages on my life. However, it didn't stop me from learning a few things that i think you might relate to. I didn't get to enjoy this year that much and it's a cliche to say "2013, please be good for me" and the greeting which never goes out of vogue  "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Every start of the year, we tend to say those words hoping that the coming new days for us will be better. But we never stop asking for a happy new year, a bountiful year, a new year full of love and happiness, etc. etc. Do we really want to have a new year that we hoped for? Of course! Who doesn't? But if you have a magical fairy god mother, you just might find yourself wishing after every swish and flick of the wand. The question is, do you have a fairy god mother? Or a genie perhaps? If you do, you can share them to the world! C'mon! Don't be selfish. haha! But snapping back to reality, the things that we've been hoping for wouldn't magically appear without doing something in order to get it. When we pray and ask for a miracle or for our prayers to be answered, we don't just think about what we need and want, but we pray. We talk to God about it. And that simple gesture is a very good first step as a something to do in order to get what we wished for. 

One thing that we neglected the most is that we tend to ask and wish and hope for a whatever new year we like. But do we even try to take a look back and think about what did the past year brought us that can be used as tool to get the new year that we deserve? There are lots of things that i would like to share to you as an example of what i meant. These are just plain and simple things that I have found myself picking them up as I walk down my 2012's memory lane. (In no particular order.)

    Even though 2012 gave me a series of shitfest, I am still proud of myself that I was able to surpass it. (Not really, because there are a few days left for 2012) Anyway, through all of my problems, i thought I had nowhere to go, no one to run to or ask help from and didn't know what to do. Like for instance, when I needed a black shoes for my uniform for a reunion presentation but I couldn't afford to purchase new one. And besides, it was only a one time occasion. I looked for my old shoes that still fits me but in some manner, isn't as good as it looks already because I haven't used them in time. I found my brown leather shoes. The problem was, it was brown. and I needed a black one. What I did, since I don't find it amusing to wear again and it was only a one time event, and it will not be practical to buy a new one, I sprayed it with black colored spray paint.  I was careful when spraying the paint not to get it messy. The paint dried in a matter of 30mins - an hour. And I didn't get to spend a penny. You can try spray painting your shoes to a different color too! You will get to spend a lesser amount in spray paint than buying new ones. ;) If you wanna be creative and fashionable, you can try glittery spray paints like these: 

    If you thought the world was going to end days before Dec. 12, 2012, I was pretty sure that you were effin worried with a lot of things. Or maybe, you might find yourself worrying a lot for whatever reason and problems you may encounter. What I've learned in 2012 was not to worry too much. It will only make you sick. That is why the word "diversion" is present in the dictionary. Diversion may be a way to escape temporarily. But its a good therapy for a few moments just to get a grip of yourself. For example, I was passing the same street everyday and the same view. How i wished i could have a great vacation getaway but I worry too much about what ifs like: what if when i get home from vacay, my apartment got robbed? what if i take a leave from work and when i get back, my boss is going to give me tons of pending and double time jobs? So, i thought to myself that why can't I stop worrying about such things? I needed to divert my negative thinking and try changing my course even just for a moment. 
What i did, instead of passing the same street, i took a reroute or i changed my usual way. In driving and in emotional stresses, I was able to divert myself. It felt pretty easing and new when i got home. I've seen establishments that I wasn't able to see for a period of time, I've passed by new faces and views. It was visually and emotionally good to try it even it just took a little time. Sometimes, we need to give ourselves a new way (literally and figuratively) in order to give it a treat. 

We can't deny that almost everyone of us even the richest man in the world: 
can you please adopt me sir?
Carlos Slim Helu according to has a problem with money. Well, Carlos here might be thinking about how he can maintain his billions, but for us who doesn't have a good financial aspect, what we can pray and hope and wish for is a new year that is bountiful and let's say, financially stable. If you want to win Miss Universe, you might say "Money isn't everything." or instead of wishing for the heavens to rain cash you wish for world peace. 

yes miss USA. smile. good thing the world didn't end. Your reign might lasted for 2 days only. lol.jk!  congratulations!

Boohoo! Let's be realistic, we need money to live. We buy most of our basic necessities. Not unless, you wanted to be a charity for the rest of your life. But if you just tend to receive and wouldn't give something back, there's none for you to receive again in the end. However, the best way to secure your self that you're gonna be fed for the rest of the year is to save and earn. Carlos my man, did pretty well with saving. Imagine, he saved billions of money for himself and his family! Why can't you? But this doesn't mean that you will keep your pennies for long up to the time it will turn into billions. There are lot's of ways to save. I have tried saving my coins in a piggy bank and it may work for others but the International Monetary Fund will be pretty much happy if you circulate your money. Circulating your money however doesn't mean that you will spend and spend and spend and spend it. Of course, business establishments will be happy, but how about you? What if there's none left? Save! Save in a way you will find it very amusing to. 

Like what I did, instead of purchasing new books to read, I borrow to others who have purchased it already. Just make sure you will return it in the same condition before you borrowed it. Or you can check out your local libraries if they already have it.

Or, you can wait for a couple of days or even months, to see if a copy is being sold in a book sale or a book seller who are capable of re-selling used books. It will lessen your costs. Sharing is also a good way to save. How? You may get the chance to receive something in return when you share something with whoever. In the book's cases for example, if your friend has later on a copy of a book you'd like to read, he/she can surely let you borrow it, for you have let them borrowed yours before.

But saving doesn't only apply with books or anything that you would be dying to purchase. There are times that we would want a dress for no special reason but you weren't able to have lunch yet. Weigh choices. Which ones better. To be hungry or to be naked? But that would be overly exaggerated. I mean, c'mon you guys. Your not Isla Fisher/ Rebecca Bloomwood from confessions of a shopaholic are you? There are some better and waaaaaaaay more important things to buy for ourselves. You can always, reward yourself in the end when you able to save a lot! 

Another best way to save is by recycling. Not just your garbages or junks but you can recycle alot of things even your food. You can check out to find recipes on how to recycle left overs. Just make sure that your left overs aren't that too old anymore and it is best for the kind of food that doesn't go rotten very quickly or canned meals that you find usual and boring to taste. You can try checking for they have recipe ideas for canned food. When it comes to ingredients however, we will go back to the word ALTERNATIVE. try looking for spices and ingredients that would taste as same as the given ones but will cost you less. Local veggies for example are best alternatives instead of complicated named ones. In our country for instance, 
THIS ONION. but they both make you cry. 

The red type of onion is a local onion in our country, even though there are those who plants the white onion here, it still came from other places before and they said that its hybrid or whatsits that's why its a price higher. There may be a slight differences with their taste or flavor according to, but hey, think about this, if you're budget fits with the white one you can go for it, but again, SAVE! not unless you really want to follow your recipe's instructions and become the next MASTER CHEF. 
just prepare yourself for Chef Gordon Ramsay though.

To top it all, these are just few of the things that I have learned in 2012 that I would like to share for it might be useful for not just myself but for you guys as well. These are some things that I would like to bring with me for the next year. Because, maybe some was too late for me to realize and follow, but trying them next year will do me no harm but instead will not make me pass by devastating problems again. This might help us in receiving the year that we wished, prayed and hoped for. So guys, ALTERNATIVES, DIVERSIONS and the ART OF SAVING may be listed here but they may range into many other things and examples. You can start trying them now, like the art of saving. After you finish reading this, give your eyes a rest and turn off your computer.  Save electricity even just for a couple of hours and take good care of yourself. MERRY NEW YEAR TO YOU! :)

Thursday 27 December 2012

books to cash!

I haven't opened my tumblr for months already when one day, i decided to check it again. Since, i always enjoyed tumblring fori think tumblr people can co-relate to my ideas, thoughts and feelings. Most of them posts photos that coincides with how I exactly feel at the moment. Another thing that makes me glad about it is that there are some who posts about what you need or something that can be very useful to you.
Like for instance, what blua reposted from prettygadgets about where YOU can get paid the most for your old textbooks. 

If you are like me who's thinking how to earn in many ways, it was a post which comes with a music background that has been sung by angels or an orchestra playing as a bright light emerges from it or simply just a "TADAAA!" will do. 

However, that post only included links of websites where you can sell old TEXTBOOKS and prefer u.s. based sellers only. I am not from the states, the college where i studied wasn't in any of the list of the given websites and i wanted to sell not just textbooks but books that I have already read and not that old but still on a good condition. So, i tried looking for sites that may help me earn and at the same time, give my books a new home and interested buyers will may be glad to have found the book that they've been looking for from me.

You can sell books on sites like:
but these sites are more on buying and selling ANY kinds of stuff and you might find a hard time looking for "right then and there" buyers or interested customers.

the best sites to sell your books are the sites that has the whole main point about books, book sale or book selling. i have found ones which are helpful and provides enough help in turning your books to cash:

blink actually provides a whole variety of books that you can purchase only in prices that may detail the kind and the physical condition of the book. They also sell brand new books that you can purchase through this site. Selected books that are on sale on blink may entitle a free shipping. The best think about this site is its not only for book lovers but for book entrepreneurs or simply those who wants to earn cash out of their old books or read books.  If you're from the philippines, blink is simply the first online marketplace for books in your country. Simply just sign up and someone might be waiting for you to provide them the book that they've been wanting to read in an affordable price. is also a good website in where you can sell any kinds of books that you want. Just make sure that your books are in good condition so that potential buyers will enjoy reading and will surely add a points to your reputation when selling. Simply read the site's terms and conditions so that you will have the idea if your books are capable of being purchased. If the books that you put on sale may pass to their evaluations, the website can immediately pay you with a check or through paypal.

it is pretty much like cash4books. You can get a fast cash from your books if they are in good condition and are one of the popular or best selling books or books that a number of people have been looking for. You may never know if you're gonna be lucky that the book you have isn't available for others.

can help you get cash instantly by selling back your used books. It is the same as all of the other mentioned websites. Check the site itself to get to know more of the details and freebies it offers. selling back your book for some cash can also give those who's been looking for what you have a smile on their faces.

There are many other websites that can help you earn from books. You can also try social networking sites to manually manage your earnings and your advertising. However, using social networking sites may a bit too timely in order for you to earn. 

Selling old books or already read books will not just only give you the benefit. It is a great kind of campaign for recycling as well. Books are very influential to everyone and most of them are our source of intellect. When we sell our books to make us happy, why can't we sell them to make others learn and be happy too?

My lips are sealed.... NOT!

We should always be careful everyday of our lives. Im telling you guys, seriously. You may never know what's gonna happen to ya. One moment everything seems fine, the next, you may go home with an Angelina Jolie inspired lips. It may be a good thing for others to have a lip like hers, but what if the only side of your lips that is bulging is the right side? It looks funny and embarrassing right? Especially when you're the type who goes out everyday and i'm pretty sure you will have a hard time explaining to everyone who asks what happened.

Swollen lips maybe a cause of allergy or a trauma. In my case, I had my lip swollen because I got bumped into the back of the driver's seat during a collision. It sucks to look at and its irritably painful. I wont post a picture of my lips but its like

THIS.                                               compared to                                     THIS. 

oh c'mon! well actually, mine was more on the upper lip, right side. My mom's a nurse and I asked her the first aids for a lips that got bumped:

The pain of a swollen lips can be reduced by putting an ice pack on it. Get some ice cubes and wrap it on a clean cloth and simply damp it on your lips. Cold compress is what they usually call it. If you get beaten and your lips were injured, cold compress is the most basic first aid in curing it. Apply the cold compress for about ten minutes hourly. The cold compress helps reduce the heat in the injured area. It reduces the blood flow and helps in numbing the affected part so that the pain will lessen. Some people would suggest a hot compress. But oh no no! Not when the affected area is brand new. Cold compresses are best for recent injuries as a remedy while a hot compress is best if the injury is already old (a day or two perhaps) or the wound in the area has healed but there may be presence of blood clots. 

hot or cold? 

You can dab a clean cloth or a hot water (but make sure its not too hot that you will endure another kind of pain) and gently apply or dab it on the affected lip area. This is good when the injury is already on the process of recovery. Heat helps the blood to circulate so that your broken tissues will regenerate and will help in recovering faster. 

Although some causes of swollen lips like allergy perhaps may be treated by anti-allergy medicines. Ask for a proper medical advice especially when the problem causes are internal.

Avoid using cosmetics until your lips are fully healed. This may cause irritation when the wounds aren't visually open. Applying a lip balm can be a good idea but right after you make sure that there isn't any open wounds present anymore. This may help in bringing back the moisture of your lips. I use a lip balm which actually a good choice in regaining your lips' younger phase and natural moisture. It's the Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm.  

                                energizing orange                                                              
I use this one. It's best for lips that are dry for it can moisturize your lips up to 8 hours. It's called baby lips for it may visibly help your lips go back to its smooth and moisturized young phase. 

Then again, make sure that before applying any cosmetics or lip moisturizers, the injury or the wounded lip is already healed or the only left for a full recovery is the topmost layer of your lips's skin. 

It is said that the lips are the one of the most "sacred" part of a woman's body. For us girls, it is essential for us to take good care of our lips. Even for some boys too and most probably, for everybody. Who wants to be kissed with a swollen dry lips right?